/*! * myPagination Jquery Pagination Plug-in Library v5.0 * * http://linapex.blog.163.com/blog/#m=0&t=1&c=fks_084071082080087067080095087095085094088065087081083066082 * * Date: 2012/9/24 21:20 */ (function($) { $.fn.myPagination = function(param) { return init(param,$(this)); }; // opts 代表所有参数 // obj 代表当前对象 // init 方法 采用闭包概念 function init(param,obj){ //默认配置 var defaults = { currPage: 1, pageCount: 10, pageNumber: 5, pageSize : 10, sortnameParmName : "sortname", sortorderParmName : "sortorder", colnums:[], cssStyle: 'badoo', ajax: { on: false, type : "POST", pageCountId: 'pageCount', url: "jsonTest.php", dataType: 'json', param: false, onClick:function(){ return false; }, ajaxStart: function() { return false; }, callback: function (data){ return false; } }, panel: { first: '首页', last: '尾页', next: '下一页', prev: '上一页', first_on: true, last_on: true, next_on: true, prev_on: true, links: '#', tipInfo_on: false, tipInfo: '  跳{currText}/{sumPage}页', tipInfo_css: { width: '22px' } } }; //得到参数 function getParam() { var param = "page="+opts.currPage+"&pagesize="+opts.pageSize; if(opts.sortName){ if(!opts.sortOrder) opts.sortOrder = "asc"; param += "&sortname=" + opts.sortName+"&sortorder="+opts.sortOrder; } if (opts.ajax.param) { param += "&" + opts.ajax.param; } return param; } //检查输入页数 function checkInputPage(val) { var msg ; if (val < 1) { msg = "输入值不能小于1"; } var patrn = /^[0-9]{1,8}$/; if (!patrn.exec(val)) { msg = "请输入正确的数字"; } if (val > opts.pageCount) { msg = "输入值不能大于总页数"; } if(msg){ alert(msg); return false; } return true; } //得到面板提示信息 function getPanelTipInfo() { var str = ""; if(opts.panel.tipInfo_on){ var input = ""; //info内容   跳{currText}/{sumPage}页 var info = opts.panel.tipInfo; info = info.replace("{currText}", input); info = info.replace("{sumPage}", opts.pageCount); info = $(info); input = info.children(":text:first"); var css = opts.panel.tipInfo_css; for (var temp in css) { var val = eval("css." + temp); input.css(temp, val); } str = info.html(); } return str; } //开始请求 function onRequest(){ if(opts.ajax.on){ //开启了ajax请求有效 opts.ajax.ajaxStart(); $.ajax({ url: opts.ajax.url, // 请求Url地址 type: opts.ajax.type, // 提交数据方式 data: getParam(), // 参数 contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;utf-8", // 发送信息给服务器编码类型 async: true, // 异步 cache: false, // 不缓存 timeout: 20000, // 超时时间 error: function() { var data = []; responseHandle(data); //obj.html(""); //alert("访问服务器超时,请重试,谢谢!"); }, success: function(data) { responseHandle(data); if(data){ createPageBar(); }else{ obj.html(""); } } }); }else{ obj.html("对不起,网络繁忙暂时未能加载出来数据,点击查询重新加载"); //createPageBar(); } } //返回处理 function responseHandle(data){ var pageCountId = opts.ajax.pageCountId; var resultPageCount = 1; //设置为1 var rstotalCount = 0; switch (opts.ajax.dataType) { case "json": try{ data = eval("(" + data + ")"); // 转换为对象 }catch(err){ }finally{ resultPageCount = eval("data." + pageCountId); rstotalCount = eval("data.totalCount"); } break; case "xml": resultPageCount = $(data).find(pageCountId).text(); break; default: resultPageCount = $(data).find(":hidden[id='"+pageCountId+"']").val(); break; } debug(opts.id); debug("返回总页数:"+resultPageCount); opts.pageCount = resultPageCount; opts.totalCount = rstotalCount; opts.ajax.callback(data); } // 得到页码操作 function createPageBar() { var links = opts.panel.links; opts.currPage = opts.currPage > opts.pageCount ? opts.pageCount : opts.currPage; var currPage = opts.currPage; var pageCount = parseInt(opts.pageCount); var tempPage = parseInt (opts.pageNumber / 2); var pageNumber = opts.pageNumber; var str = ""; //首页 if (opts.panel.first_on) { str = "" + opts.panel.first + ""; } // 上一页 if (opts.panel.prev_on) { if (currPage == 1) { str += "" + opts.panel.prev + " "; } else { str += "" + opts.panel.prev + " "; } } // 开始页和最后页 var firstPage = lastPage = 1; // 当前页 - 中间数 > 0,则开始页 = 当前页 - 中间数,否则 开始页 = 1 firstPage = currPage - tempPage > 0 ? firstPage = currPage - tempPage : 1; // 开始页 + 显示页数 > 总页数,则 最后页 = 最后页 +1,开始页 = 最后页 - 显示页,否则 最后页 = 开始页 + // 显示页 if (firstPage + pageNumber > pageCount) { lastPage = pageCount + 1; firstPage = lastPage - pageNumber; } else { lastPage = firstPage + pageNumber; } //防止开始页数低于1 if (firstPage <= 0) { firstPage = 1; } // 生成链接 // 这里的 firstPage 需要看成是 currPage ,每一页都是当前页,生成链接。 for (firstPage; firstPage < lastPage; firstPage++) { if (firstPage == currPage) { str += "" + firstPage + "";; } else { str += "" + firstPage + ""; } } //下一页 if(opts.panel.next_on){ if (currPage == pageCount) { str += "" + opts.panel.next + " "; } else { str += "" + opts.panel.next + " "; } } //尾页 if(opts.panel.last_on){ str += "" + opts.panel.last + ""; } var count = 0; if(opts.totalCount) {count = opts.totalCount}; str += "     总共 "+count+" 条"; str += getPanelTipInfo(); debug(opts.id); debug("最终生成菜单:"); debug(str); obj.html(str); //文本框增加事件 obj.children(":text").keypress(function(event) { var keycode = event.which; if (keycode == 13) { var page = $(this).val(); //验证输入值 if (checkInputPage(page)) { //回车事件时,去除其他 a 标签的 click 事件 obj.children("a").unbind("click"); // 去除 所有 a 标签 click //再次绑定click 事件 obj.children("a").each(function() { $(this).click(function() { return false; }); }); opts.currPage = page; onRequest(); //发送请求 } } }); // 增加事件 obj.children("a").each(function(index,element) { //给与每个a 标签 增加 单击事件 $(this).click(function() { //得到当前页数,以 title 属性为容器存放 var page = parseInt(this.title); page = page > 0 ? page : 1; //单击某一个 a 标签时,去除其他 a 标签的 click 事件 obj.children("a").unbind("click"); // 去除 所有 a 标签 click //再次绑定click 点击无效事件 obj.children("a").each(function() { $(this).click(function() { return false; }); }); opts.currPage = page; opts.ajax.onClick(page); onRequest(); //发送请求 $(this).focus(); return false; }); // click }); } //debug 调试 function debug(str){ $.fn.debug(str); } //目标对象拥有了所有源对象所拥有的特性,可理解为继承 // true 为深度拷贝,将子对象进行合并 var opts = $.extend(true,defaults, param); opts.id = obj.attr("id"); //得到id // 添加样式 obj.addClass(opts.cssStyle); //createTitle();//根据listarea得到列表区域进行列表头的组件 //组件列表体 // alert($('#'+opts.listarea).html()); //开始请求 onRequest(); var method = {}; //方法 method.getPage = function(){ return this.currPage; } method.onReload = function(){ debug("reload()"); onRequest(); } //指定加载数据 method.onLoad = function(param){ var params = []; if(param && param instanceof Object ){ opts.currPage = 1; if(param){ opts.ajax.param = param.param; } onRequest(); } } method.changeSort = function(columnName, sortOrder) { opts.sortName = columnName; opts.sortOrder = sortOrder; onRequest(); } //跳转指定页面 method.jumpPage = function(page){ page = page < 1 ? 1 : page; //如果page小于1,就为1 page = page > opts.pageCount ? opts.pageCount : page; //如果page大于pageCount则为pageCount opts.currPage = page; onRequest(); } return method; } $.fn.debug = function(str){ if(window.console && window.console.log){ console.log(str); } } })(jQuery); window.ZENG=window.ZENG || {}; ZENG.dom = {getById: function(id) { return document.getElementById(id); },get: function(e) { return (typeof (e) == "string") ? document.getElementById(e) : e; },createElementIn: function(tagName, elem, insertFirst, attrs) { var _e = (elem = ZENG.dom.get(elem) || document.body).ownerDocument.createElement(tagName || "div"), k; if (typeof (attrs) == 'object') { for (k in attrs) { if (k == "class") { _e.className = attrs[k]; } else if (k == "style") { _e.style.cssText = attrs[k]; } else { _e[k] = attrs[k]; } } } insertFirst ? elem.insertBefore(_e, elem.firstChild) : elem.appendChild(_e); return _e; },getStyle: function(el, property) { el = ZENG.dom.get(el); if (!el || el.nodeType == 9) { return null; } var w3cMode = document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle, computed = !w3cMode ? 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  • ' + options.hot_list[h][1] + '' + options.hot_list[h][2] + '' + options.hot_list[h][3] + '
  • '; count++; if (count == size) { break; } } } html = iframe_attach + '
    '; } else { /*if (!items) return; if (!items.length) { $results.hide(); return; }*/ var jSum = 0; for (var i = 0; i < options.source.length; i++) {//国内城市匹配 var reg = new RegExp('^' + items + '.*$', 'im'); if (reg.test(options.source[i][0]) || reg.test(options.source[i][1]) || reg.test(options.source[i][2]) || reg.test(options.source[i][3])) { if(parentVal==null || parentVal == options.source[i][0] ) { html += '
  • ' + options.source[i][1] + '' + options.source[i][2] + '' + options.source[i][3] + '
  • '; } jSum++; } if (jSum == listsize) { break; } } if (html == '') { hasResult = false; suggest_tip = '
    对不起,找不到:' + items + '
    '; } else { hasResult = true; suggest_tip = iframe_attach + '
    ' + items + ',按字母排序
    '; } /***取出当前第一个城市的英文 add at 2011-12-23****/ var pos = html.indexOf("") + 7; //currentSelect = html.substr(pos, html.indexOf("", pos + 1) - pos); currentSelect = html.substr(pos, html.indexOf("", pos) - pos); /*************************************************/ html = suggest_tip + ''; } $results.html(html).show(); $results.children('ul').children('li:first-child').addClass(options.selectClass); $results.children('ul') .children('li') .mouseover(function () { $results.children('ul').children('li').removeClass(options.selectClass); $(this).addClass(options.selectClass); }) .click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); selectCurrentResult(); }); } function getCurrentResult() { if (!$results.is(':visible')) return false; var $currentResult = $results.children('ul').children('li.' + options.selectClass); if (!$currentResult.length) $currentResult = false; return $currentResult; } function selectCurrentResult() { $currentResult = getCurrentResult(); if ($currentResult) { $(options.selectCity).val($currentResult.children('a').children("span").eq(1).children('font').html()); $input.val($currentResult.children('a').html().replace(/.+?<\/span>|.+?<\/SPAN>/g, '')).css('color', '#000'); /**绑定ID**/ $('input[name='+$input[0].id+']').val($currentResult.children('a').find('FONT').html()); $('input[name='+$input[0].id+']').change(); /***/ $results.hide(); if ($(options.dataContainer)) { $(options.dataContainer).val($currentResult.attr('rel')); } if (options.onSelect) { options.onSelect.apply($input[0]); } } } function nextResult() { $currentResult = getCurrentResult(); if ($currentResult) $currentResult .removeClass(options.selectClass) .next() .addClass(options.selectClass); else $results.children('ul').children('li:first-child').addClass(options.selectClass); } function prevResult() { $currentResult = getCurrentResult(); if ($currentResult) $currentResult .removeClass(options.selectClass) .prev() .addClass(options.selectClass); else $results.children('ul').children('li:last-child').addClass(options.selectClass); } } $.fn.suggest = function (source, options) { if (!source) return; options = options || {}; options.source = source; options.parentVal = options.parentVal || null; options.listSize = options.listSize || 10; options.hot_list = options.hot_list || []; options.delay = options.delay || 0; options.resultsClass = options.resultsClass || 'ac_results'; options.selectClass = options.selectClass || 'ac_over'; options.matchClass = options.matchClass || 'ac_match'; options.minchars = options.minchars || 1; options.delimiter = options.delimiter || '\n'; options.onSelect = options.onSelect || false; options.dataDelimiter = options.dataDelimiter || '\t'; options.dataContainer = options.dataContainer || '#SuggestResult'; options.attachObject = options.attachObject || null; options.selectCity = options.selectCity || ""; //控件的id,存在选择的city //options.tips = options.tips || "中文/拼音"; this.each(function () { new $.suggest(this, options); }); return this; }; })(jQuery); /* * JTip * By Cody Lindley (http://www.codylindley.com) * Under an Attribution, Share Alike License * JTip is built on top of the very light weight jquery library. */ //on page load (as soon as its ready) call JT_init //$(document).ready(JT_init); function JT_init(){ $("a.jTip") .hover(function(){JT_show(this.href,this.id,this.name)},function(){$('#JT').remove()}) .click(function(){return false}); } function JT_remove(){ $('#JT').remove(); } function JT_show(url,linkId,title){ if(title == false)title=" "; var de = document.documentElement; var w = self.innerWidth || (de&&de.clientWidth) || document.body.clientWidth; var hasArea = w - getAbsoluteLeft(linkId); var clickElementy = getAbsoluteTop(linkId) - 3; //set y position var queryString = url.replace(/^[^\?]+\??/,''); var params = parseQuery( queryString ); if(params['width'] === undefined){params['width'] = 250;}; if(params['link'] !== undefined){ $('#' + linkId).bind('click',function(){ = params['link'];}); $('#' + linkId).css('cursor','pointer'); } if(hasArea>((params['width']*1)+75)){ $("body").append("
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